ACT VII.] NOTES TO THE SAKUNTALA. 129 punishments are threatened for marriages tells us that, " Dirghatamas, son of Marathi between saxyokrins. comsecratel Bharata, the son of Duhshants 88. bina jine, Mummittingly." (= Dushyanta); and therefore did Bharata, 89.jois understond. son of Duhshanta, subdue the earth com- 90. ekigrachitta hokar, "closely attent pletely all round, and traverse it every way, tive." Compound of eka, “one," agra, and perform repeatel saerifices with horses "point," and chilta, "minsl"; with the mind | as offerings." fixed upon one point. se = in sarikhe or apke sadris = 91. Here we find the 3rd pers. plnral with | " like you," It is an Urdlized form, ap, as is normal. 101. Vat is understood. 92. Yoga-salti is that sakti or power ___102. Moktr here has the sense of vil," acquired by yogins, ar derolees who prac- fby way of." tise anstere penance, The power seems to ___103. stribalak : aur is idiomatically omit- have been unlimited (see Colebrooke's Essays, | ted, The gender, in suelh cases, is determined ed. 1873, vol. i. p. 262); bni, Cren in de- by the last wort. generate days, it has been carefully distin- 104. Indra was especially the god of gaishort from mere magic. See the Ditha mereoric phenomena. Varisa, iti.56. ____105. The Hindus believe that every cycle 93. Transt. “ throngh being under theilrough which erented things endure isdiviiled influence of Darvasas's cnrse." into four ages, nained Krita, 'Trett, Dayara, 94. Transi. “ At the time of the curse, I and Kali, the respective lengths of which cannot have been in my right mind." are as 4,3,2, I. An explanation of this 95. sap ke bas, " under the influence of a curious system will be found in Wilson's eurse." Vishnu-purana (ed. Dr. F. Hall), vol. i. 96. jyonki tyon, just as before." Pp. 49-54. We now live in the last age of 97. See note 60. the world, awaiting a cataelysin. 98. According to Hindu belief, the uni- | | 106. Transt. "as far as may be possible." rerse consists of seven concentric circles of | 107. hoga is here potential. What greater land, separated from each other by zoniforun | blessing enn there be than this," &e. channels of fluid. For a full account of this 108, Transt. fand shonld you be, indeed, subjeet, sce Wilson's Vishnu-purana (el. by gratifiel, then," &c. Dr. F. Hall), rol. ii. p.109. The Bhigavala- 109. The Sarasvati was not only a river purana (Y. 1. 31), says that the beds of the | (sce note l]6, Act VI.), but also the goddess Seven oceans were formed by the ruts of the of speech. Thus we read in the Mahabhar wheels of Priyavratr's chariot, rata (ix. 2887): "O Sansvati, thou issuest 99. The name Bharata is derived from the from the lake of Bralimā ; the entire world is base thri, "to support," and is the name of pervadled by thy excellent walers. Thou, O several personages famous in Indian legends. goddess, moving in the heavens, createst The Bharata hero spoken of was of the Innar the water in the elouls. Thou, verity, art all dynasty, and progenitor of Vasa, from the waters. By thee kee stutty." See also the whom deseended Dhritarashtra and Pandu, Ifitopadesa, Rimjasan's edition, p, 202, line the quarrel between whose sons forms the (Johnson's edition, line 2464; Lasseri's subjeet of the Mahabharata. Bharata was, in_edition, p, 116, line 8), for an instance of fact, the founder of India's political integrity; Sarasvati's prompting the utterances of two and the country received from his domina- | Daityas. tion the name it still bears, Bhāratararsha.| 110. “ The cver Sira' is here qualifieri The 39th ehapter of the Aitareys-brahmana | by soveral common epithets. He has no
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