ACT VIL NOTES TO THESAKUNTALA. 127 tion. twice-born eastes of India. It is pusseil over | Verh mailakand, "to sil, it is yet bere the left shoniler, and under the right arm. made to agree with the objeet god. From Mant, ii. 44, we learn that, "Tlie 48. par is understood. Suerificial thread ofaBrahman must be made | 48a. Malayagiri in the original; which I of cotton, so as to be put on over his heal, in baredeemed amistake for malamhim thrce strings; that of a Kshattriya, of sanaSandal-trce." thrend only; that of Thisya, of woollen 49. Equivalent to "I thank you much." thread." 50. The two genitives imply niutual respet:- 28. The filthy state into which this useetictiveness. “You and the child arc in 10 is represented to are fallell, is intended to wise connected together, still there is a suggest lhis extreme impassivity and levo- great similarity between you." 51. Transl. "and he has still but the 29. mano here introduces the indicative, intelligence of a child." and is correctly so used, according to the 5 2. Vais, ordinarily trace," here signifies Hindi idiom; hut the sense is, "as though I "offspring." were buthing." 53. Sec tote 50. 30. up se ap, "of itself." 54. Trans. “ during the whole time of 31. Living upon air is a proof of the yonth." bighest degree of spirituality attainable by | 55. Sce note 40. man, in Hindi belief, 66. The IIindis considered it decidedly 32. katlichit . . . Di, feren thouglr." improper to manifest the smallest interest in 33. A outinuative forn. " Keeps on another's wife (Manu, ii. 212). Women were, increasing." Supposeil to be naturally as foul as falsehoord 34. See note TO, Aet I. itself" (Mamm, ix. 18), and required the 35. See note 121, Act VI. constant superintendence of some member of 36. Transl, “ Thy hardikhood is not absent their family, to keep them reasonably within eren firom (thy) play." their duty (Hitopadesa, i. 127, and Mann, Y. 37. This is a continuative form. 148). It imust not be expected that those who 38. honaho = "strely." " are so radheally bad eun ever be thorougily 39. Transt. “ In truth I have just such aineudel; " int, by these expedients, they fivar of the lioness" (i.c. no felrst all). may be restrainel" (Manu, ix. 10). 40. tirja here has the serise which seed 57. The word Sakuntalavanya is intended has in the Bible, i.e. "offspring.” । to suggest the name of Sakuntala indireetly. 41.See note 97,Act V. It is a Sanskrit compound, of sulunte + 42. Votiec tlie ablative with nined. ltranya t the loveliness of the biue jay." 48. Participle referring to asko under- 58. nahin tarenalitn, "otherwise (I shall) stood. pot (do as you say)." 44. tab tak here = "in the meanwhile." 59. Transl. " I will pick it up and give in 45. From the Arabic i misfortnme:" to you" The present tense is used for the therefore, “ Let me assume your misfortunes." | proximate future ; and diye deta hun is used, Bataiyar lend expresses a practice, mostly | instead of de deta hin, as being more intensive confined to women, of drawing the hands and instantaneous in its character. over the head of another, in token of taking 60. The birth-rites are found in detail all his misfortunes on one's self. in the Grihya-shtrns, and comprisc cere- 46. men is understood. Trans. "taking monies at the tiine of conception and at other their mous in their laps." limes before birth, ceremonies at birth, arthe 47. Although mailt is part of the compoundnaming of the child, at the time of earrying
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