62. yah is an adverb="to this extent." 63. játi is often thus used in composition. "The eleverness of even untauglit woman kind," &c. 64, so yah is emphatic, and is something like the rulgar English "this here." "This is [seen) not only (hi) in human beings," &c. 65. kadáchit ="perchance." "And should, perechance, women be well instructed, then," &c. 66. Transl., "there is no knowing what they may do;" lit. "one may not know," &c. 67. aur is unexpressed between ande and bachche, in consequence of the frequent association of the things which they denote. 68. Notice that tle singular form is sub-stituted in anger. 69. Transl., "you think everyone's heart perverted like your own." 70, Transl., "lest what she says may be mark possession. really true," 71. mára, past participle used adjectivally. The preceding ka="by." 72. The eyebrows are compared to the bow of Cupid; and their distorted elevation in the anger, to a breaking of the how in two. 73. kada-hit here means "perchance." 74. ryajastuti ki bhanti="ironically." 75. log here denotes collectivity. 76. tum hi="you alone." 77. "A woman (who is) unfortunate, how modest soever and excellent she may be," &c. 78. Transl., "the weapon (which) was conecaled in (your) heart has shown itself." 79. ab se="henceforth." 80. bina srabha pahchûne, "without having understood (unother's) disposition." 81. arajna karke="coutemptuously." 82. Transl., "We have heard what you had to say for yourself." Jo is understood. 82a. Transl. "Those who are studied in [the art of] defaming others." 83. chahe. . .châhe implies an alternative . Note the aoristic nature of the imperative. 84. See notes 53 and 68a, Act IV. |
85. Transl., "she is coming close behind us." 86. Notice these two genitive. "What right of remaining appertains to you?" 87. apne man se, "consciously." 87a. The e of bache is merely emphtic." 88. Meaning that the Moon devotes itself to one thing; the Sun to another things; each being content with its own; so a virtuous man avoids another man's wife. 89. Present participle used gerundially. 90. Transl., "and here practised this deception, that," &c., 91. prajophar="good of (your) subjects." 92. ki, "whether," is here understood. 93. stri is understood. 94. A negative would generally be inserted here, to express "until her child is born." 95. In both cases, he is properly used to mark possession. 96. kadachit. . . .janme, "now should, perchance, such a son be born," &c. 97. A chakravarti raja was one who was paramount ever all snbordinate raja within the circle [chakra] of the world's limits. The prerogative of rising to this state of supreme sovereignty was thought to be indicated by the lines of the hands and feet arranging themselves into circles. There are thirty-one other marks of greatness; but the mark of the chakra was the speciality looked for in the case before us. 98. so ho is understood. 99. "O Earth! open;" Lit., give (me) a place." 100. "close behind." 10Oa. phir bhi="still." 101. "Some lighting-like (object), in the guise of a woman, came," &e., 102. pahle hi="at the very onset." 103. Transl., "it has now manifested it self." ACT VI. 1. hirâ, "A diamond." In the sanskrit se have, more reasonably, mani, a precious stone generally. |
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यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
Act V.]