with samahar, which generally occurs as a plural word. 2. "What was I about to say?" 3. kaisi is exclamational. 4. See note 7, Act I. 4a. par is understood. 5. sodaira=sadâ+eva="continually." 6. This is a celebrated mythological person-age. He is the king of the serpent-race, and is supposed to serve as a couch for the repose of Vishnu. He has a thousand heads, which form a canopy over the sleeping deity; and on one of them is poised the world'. Sesha is the first-born of the serpent-kind (Maliâbli, i. 1550); and the author of a work on astro-nomy (Colebrooke's Essays, vol. i. p. 96), and on medicine (Colebrooke's Essays, vol. i. p. 247). The respect felt for the stake is, 13. halaugará or kilangard, "thc uncouth;" probably, a reminiscence of the worship of that creature in ancient times (see Fergusson's of Trec and Serpent Worship, p. (63). 7. See note 71, Act II. 8. apneantahharun se="conscientiously." 9. Bards or singers were introduced into Hindu plays much in the manner of the Chorus in Greek dramas. The chief duty of the hards was to wake the king in the morning with music and song; but they can- not have been held in much honour, as they cital of state of things." are classed by Manu (iii. 158) among drunkards, poisoners, and other disreputable persons. 10. These verses may be thus rendered in prose :—तुम निजकारणदुख नहीं सहते परंतु पराए काज सहते हो। यह राजकुलों का व्यवहार है। सो हे महाराज तुम पालो॥ वर्षा शीत और घाम अपने सिर पर लेते हैं। जैसे तरू अपने तले पथिक के हित विश्राम देता है॥ जब दुष्ट जनों के बस करने के लिये अपने प्रचण्ड दण्ड को लेता है। जो अपनी मर्यादा को छोड़कर चलते हैं उन मनुष्यों को दण्ड देता है॥ प्रजा का पालन करता है और कलह का विनाश करता है। जिस के विभिन्न सब लोग राजा का जन्त |
मानों धर्म प्रकाश करते हैं। महाराज दुष्यंत तो चिरंजीवी और नित्यवलय हो॥ विघ्न और उत्पात भेदकर सब प्रजा का सक्षम रखो॥ बहुत और ही क्षत्रियों मैं धन वैभव तो है। परंतु तुम सुप्रजाहित से कुछ अधिक भेद नहीं है॥ तुम इसी से सभी की बंधुत्व के समान रक्षा करते हो। मान सम्मान करते हुए किसी को दुख ना देते हो॥ 11. ye ae are terms of endearment. Transl. "Woh! woh! noble oxen!" The jester satirically compares the flattery of the singers to coaxing addressed to a Bullock. 12. dekho is purely interjectional in such a sentence as this. 13. kâlangarâ or kâlângara, "the uncouth;" ihtâlâ, of a single measure;" these are names of a rag and its metre. The verse itself may be thus rendered in prose :—हे भौंरे! तू मधु का चखने वाला है। आम की रस भरी मृदु मंजरी से प्रीति अपार होती है॥ नेम करके रहस रहस रस लेने को नित्य दौड़ता है। कमल बसेरे में तुमको क्यों कल साई पर पारी का प्रेम तुम क्योंकर भूले॥ 14. gati="state of things," used for "recital of state of things." 15. itne din=for some time past." 16. bat is understood. Transl., "but you, friend, use language as if," &e. 17. "It does not seem to me proper." 17a. Past tense for proximate future. 18. "We shall see what comes of it." 19. But for a hi after git. there would be one after sunte. 20. Uncertainty is often conveyed by two aorises joined by to or tau. The sense is, "The reason may be this, that" &e. 21. "with some woman." 22. "Moves on in front." The repetition of aye marks the continuity of the action. 23. ka agrees with duar above. 24. "By help of the servants' shoulders," i.e. leaning upon them. 25. The past tense—the sandigdha bhul hai, as Pandits call it—denoting uncertainty. |
पृष्ठ:Sakuntala in Hindi.pdf/१३५
यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
Act V.]