86. After bádal and paran the genitive sign is omitted. 87. so yah = "therefore, this." 88. Lit., "we have given such counsel that the hearing of harsh speeches was inevitable." 89. Transl., "every expression (fit) to be said or not to be said." 90. Conj. part.: "recognizing me also as one of your own kin." 91. båt understood. 92. Transl., "Alas! how can you leave me "alone and go away?" Jäte is a pres. part. with the force of a verbal noun. 93. See note 80. with the force of a verbal noun. 94. Transl., "I will not ineur the blame of (my) elders," 95. aise men is analogous to the expresion man; the latter refers to quantity; the former, to condition. 96. Transl., "I am not at my own disposal." 97. Transl., "I hope she may not get angry!" 99. Here we have the Persian be: abas. is better Hindi than bebas. The sentence means; "Were it good fortune, would it have rendered my mind helpless by fascinting it with another's merits?" 100. Transl., "She goes off." Being compounded with chalná, this serb becomes neuter. 101. praradhin = "under the control of another." 102. kahe se ki, "inasmuch as." 103. A Gândharva-marriage was one consummated without the usual marriage-ritual: "mutual desire" (ichchhay ayonya-sanyogah hanyayas cha carasya cha, Manu, iii, 32) is the operative cause, like the Scotch marriage per cerba de presenti, which, in England, goes by a harsher name. 104. The affix málra fortifies the word heral. Transl., "just one moment." 105. Infinitive for imperative. 106. "How far soever thou mayest go; and so in the next line, "how great soever it may grow to be." See note 85). |
107. Lit., "my feet do not fall forwards," i.e. "I am unable to move." A similar expresion occurs in the next Act, note 70. 108. man is understood. 109. Transl., "Just let me see how he loves me." 110. aisi. . . . manu, "she goes as though." 111. Notice these genitive sarir hi and man ki. "She is tander of body, but very cruel of heart." 112. See note 100. 113. Transl., "as if she had fetters on her feet." 114. Lit., "I did not perceive the bracelet (when it was) even falling from my arm." 115. natun like drama, takes the ablative. "This bracelet has imparted to me the composure which you denied me" Naind is active, but becames neuter in construction by the addition of jana. 116. "Now I can not be remain here." 117. mera hriday sahh bharata hai ki, "I feel confident that," &e. 118. Transl., "There will be seandal about (ha) both of us." 119. Transl., "I will give it on one condition." 120. Transl., "Now I am become confident." 121. lao is used as a mere exclamation; and phirkar is an adverb = phir, "again." In the next line, after ichchha ko, the words kaise koru may be understood. 122. Transl., "If you tell me, then, to blow," &e. 123. Transl., "but I do not trust you." Notice the genitive. 124. Transl., "Did one ever hear of a new servant that at all transgressed his master's commands?" 125. The chahni and chahna are the female and male birds called in Sanskrit chakrachaki and chakraka, "the ruddy goose" (Anas casara). They are supposed to keep together affectionately during the Q 2
पृष्ठ:Sakuntala in Hindi.pdf/१३१
यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
Act III.]