पवित्रता u भक्तिरहित, कन्यारहित B.A. M. A-साधारण अध्यापकों की मिट्टो और ईंट के रूखे सूखे घर कब करा सक्ते [सकते हैं ? The idea of monastic celibacy has never brought and shall never bring purity into social life. It will ferment & bring impurity. Institu- tions educational or religious founded on such monastic ideas shall similarly never bring purity into home-life. They shall always encourage insincerity, hypocrisy and vaunt. They shall always turn out but a counterfeit life. The present day Indian imitation of the real & natural monks-The Buddha, the Christ, New- ton, Kant, Walt Whitman & Spencer do nothing n their Ashrams but toll the death-knell of social purity. Running away into the caves of Himalayas from the sacred person of woman is disgraceful to the land of Buddh & Ram Krishna Parmahansa. Social purity shall prosper not through avoiding the company of woman, but through reverent worship of her as Goddess in all cases where we take her as mother, assister, as wife, as daughter nay even as prostitute. ? १. आश्रमबद्ध ब्रह्मचर्य के विचार ने सामाजिक जीवन में न तो कभी पवित्रता उपस्थित की है और न कभी उपस्थित कर सकता है, यह उत्क्रामित होगा और अपवित्रता उत्पन्न करेगा । ऐसे श्राश्रमबद्ध
पृष्ठ:सरदार पूर्णसिंह अध्यापक के निबन्ध.djvu/११०
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।