पृष्ठ:सम्पूर्ण गाँधी वांग्मय Sampurna Gandhi, vol. 10.pdf/३७२

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INDIAN No. 36-VOL. 8. PUBLISHED THE first Indian to become a member of the British Parlia- ment was Mr. Dadabhai Nao- i. Born on September 4th, 1825, the city of Bombay, he was edu- ed at the Elphin- one School and ollege, and was, at e age of 29, made ofessor of Mathe- atics and Natural being Indian to ceive that honour. 1855 Mr. Naoroji ited England as rtner in the first dian business to established in at country. The niversity College, ndon, did him the nour of appoint- g him Professor of jarati; and one of =benefits gained - India by Mr. moroji was the ad- ssion of lodians the Civil Service 1870. He was de Prime Minister Baroda in 1874, da year later was cted a member of e Corporation and unicipal Courcil Bombay, to which dy he gave five ars' valuable ser- te. Mr. Naoroji as a member of the ombay Legislative ancil from 1885 1887. The Indian ational Congress noured him by ecting him Presi- ent in 1886, 1893. . Naoroji sat in ilosophy e first Phote AFRICA INDIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1910. Registered as Newspaper PRICE THREEFENCE THE GRAND OLD MAN OF INDIA BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE HON. DADABHAI NAOROJ mons from 1893 to 1895 as Liberal member for Central Finsbury, London, and he did good work for his country as member of the Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure, etc., and, in 1897, gave evidence before the Well Commission. From the very com mencement of the British Committe of the Indian National Congress, h was a diligent member and hard wor er. Among the pub lications from th pen of Mr. Dadabl Naoroji are: "En land's Duty to India st Admissic n of Ed cated Natives in the Indian Civil Se vice," Financi INDIAN OCEAN OPINION WEEKLY & tempore eleritage debbai Aa cav Administration India," and what i perhaps, the be known of his man writings, "Pover and Un British Re in India." In 190 the venerable Dad bhai jourr eyed the Motherland preside over the l dian National Con gres, a trsk whic was a tn mendo strain upon even bi iron constitution an indomitable spiril Since the Calcutt Congress of 1906 Mr. Dadabhai ba practically retire from public life, an in 1907 he wen to reside at Varson a small fishing vil lage in the Bomba Presidency where hi still watches with i keen interest the pro gress of events in India which go t make cr it future. Truly has be earned for himsell the honoured title of Our M