पृष्ठ:रस साहित्य और समीक्षायें.djvu/२३८

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

कविवर बिहारीलाल ] २३६ [ 'हरिऔध' काव्य पर अगणित टीकाएँ लिखी गयी हैं । इसकी दुरूहता और विद- ग्धता ऐसी है कि इसके अक्षरों को कामधेनु कह सकते हैं" *

  • The elegancs, poetic flavour, and ingenuity of expre-

ssion in this difficult work, are considered to have been un- approached by any other poet. He has been imitated by nume- rous other poets, but the only one who has achieved any consi-.. derable excellence in this peculiar style is Tulsidas (No 128) who preceded him by writing a Satsai ( treating of Ram as Bihari Lall treated of Krishna) in the year 1585 A, D. ............... Behari's poem has been dealt with by innumerable ] commentators. Its dificulty and ingenuity is one so g reat tat it is called a veritable Akshar Kamdhenu.. . Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan P. 75