पृष्ठ:रस मीमांसा.pdf/४९६

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।


परिशिष्ट generalisation of the object. Rhetoricians seem to uphold the latter view, restricting their attention to the sentiment of love which has its special feature in this respect. प्रलय ३ संचारी and 11ot सात्विक, Tin the division of THT ( 1 , ATA etc.) hra is to be taken out. The division is not recognized by ancients. 19 of two kinds- ENTA, HIGHER [ इसके अनंतर देखिए ऊपर पृष्ठ ४१७ से ४२५ तक ।] PSYCHOLOGICAL NOTES FOR THE BOOK ON POETRY 1. Law of organization in the mindGreater and lesser system. The former organising the latter under them. Tendencies and impulses organized under emotions, emotions under sentiments. Under the control of this system of emotions and sentiments are brought not only instincts but also thoughts, i. e., intellect-Appetites and Emotions. The former aroused by internal rather than external stimulation has a 'greater regularity of occurrence and becomes more urgent. Appetites of hunger and sex