पृष्ठ:रस मीमांसा.pdf/४८५

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90 स-मीमांसा Finally, the fact that the existence of a He can be known by a process of inference does not make रस अनुमेय, for रस is quite differ:ent from mere knowledge of the existence of a T. [Observations-In the light of modern psychology a good deal of the discourse will appear to be a mere waste of words. One who knows the distinction between cognition (knowing ) and feeling requires no argument to convince him that TH is one thing and the knowledge of a 79 another thing. This a feeling of pleasure of a particular description, not to be conveyel by any process of reasoning. Much of the confusion is due to the careless use of the word jaat by means of which is said to be suggested. In वस्तुव्यंजना and अलंकारव्यंजना the word is used to denote the function of suggesting the knowledge of a fact or thing. But in this an altogether different function is attributed to GISET. It is represented as offering suggestion to relish a particular भाव as रस. In one case it is the persons of keen understanding who comprehend the fact. In the other it is the persons of sym