पृष्ठ:रस मीमांसा.pdf/३२०

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।


प्रस्तुत रूप-विधान सभ्यता के क्या क्या अनुरोध है; क्या क्या बातें लाई जा जिससे वह आधुनिक लगे। ऐसी कविता एक साथ ही पुरानी भी होगी और नई भी । एक ओर तो उसकी प्रकृति के भीतर काब्य अपने सत्य सर्वकालव्यापी स्वरूप में स्थित रहेगा दूसरी और वह आधुनिक जीवन और सभ्यता के मेल में होगी ।।

  • The modernist poetry can appear equally at all stages of historical development from Wordsworth to Miss Moor. And it does appear when the poet forgets what is the correct literary conduct demanded of him in relation to contemporary institutions (with civili zation speaking through criticism ) and can write a poem having the power of survival inspite of its dis regarding these demands; a poem of purity-of a certain old-fashionedness of reaction against the time to archaisin, or of retreat to nature and the primitive passions. All poetry that deserves to endure is at once old fashioned and modernist.

| ४ The relation of a poet's poetry to Poetry as a whole and to the time in which it is written is the problem of criticism ; and if this problema becomes part of the making of a poem, it adds to the uncouscious consciousness of the poet when he is in the act of composition, an alieu element-a conscious consciousness what we may call the "historical effort". -A Survey of Modernist Poetry,