पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/६८

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मेरी आत्मकहानी

undertaken, and thanks to the co-operation and selfsacrifice of so many scholars the work has becn successfully accomplished. That this glossary is not perfect, that it has imperfections, great imperfections, no one will deny, but this was inevitable under the circumstances. No two words in the same language are exact equivalents. The same word in the mouths of two men has not infrequently two different shades of meaning, much more so, then, when we have to deal with different languages and to find equivalents to express one idea, for the very ideas are moulded by the line of development of the race―and as the line of development diverges so do the ideas, even those connected with identical objects become separate, distinct and perhaps opposed To provide real equivalents for the words of one language out of words of another, is, therefore, very difficult. But anyone who pays close attention to what has been achicved in the glossary will, I am sure, readily admit that every one connected with this work has done his best under the peculiar circumstances, whatever shortcomings, omissions, iedundanctes are notable in this work being due to the circumstances noted above As & literature on the subject gradually evolves in Hindi these defects.