पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/६७

यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
मेरी आत्मकहानी

‘make words, I will use them’. But the present needs of India compel the Indians to falsify the statement of their much respected sage. The literary public has now come to the Nagari-Prachari Sabha and has said “Make words, we will use them to revivee and enrich other moribund and poor Vernacular literature and make it powerful for the service of the Indian people by translation reproduction and adaptation from the valuable works ard ideas of the rising western nations”. This glossary is the result. Some have criticied this action of the Sabha rather adversely. They say that we are practically placing the cast before the horse by beginning at the wrong end. True it is that a language cannot be created It creates itself. But we had to assinulate and bring into our Language all the scientific ideas of the west and we could not very well begin where they began in the history of their scicntific literature Thes built it up by slow degrees and if we were to follow the same process the should always be lagging centuries bebind. And then too, our scientific vocabulary would be teeming with imperfections and redundancies, which are so dangerous to the expression of scientific ideas. To look ahead and to avoid all this difficulty the work was