पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/१७६

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मेरी आत्मकहानी

(२) गुजरात बर्नाक्यूलर सोसाइटी का तार- "Gujrat Vernacular Society rejoices in the achievement of a sister institution in completing an epoch-making work, nev Hindi Dictionary, and participates in the celebrations to congratulate the Chief Editor Babu Shyam Sundar Das and noble band of learned associates, who against tremendous odds carried it through successfully Accept hearty congratulations from me as well as Editor Buddhi Prakash"

(३) डाक्टर जी० ए० प्रियर्सन का पत्र- “Although to my regret, it is beyond my power to contribute a formal essay for this commemoration volume, I cannot Iet the opportunity pass without offering my congratulations to Mr Shyam Sundar Das. on the successful completion of the Hindi Shabd-Sagar, of which he has been Chief Editor It is a most important and valuable work, and it is everyway worthy of the high reputation of a scholar, whose writings I have studied and admired for more than thirty years May be live for many more years to be a guide and helper to students of the Hindi language for which he has already done so much "

(४) पडित महावीरप्रसाद द्विवेदी का पत्र- "काशी की नागरी-प्रचारिणी सभा से मेरा संबंध प्राय. उसके