पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/१०९

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मेरी आत्मकहानी

none of which is quite satisfactory; but what appears to be certainly true is that as Mr Shyam Sundar Das shows all the dates given in the Rasau work out correctly if the Anand Vikram era is taken to commence 90-91 years later than the ordinary Vikram era, called by way of distinction the Sanand Vikram (eg, in No. 41 of 1900, page 40) It follows, therefore, that any years in the former era may be converted into the corresponding years of the Christian era by adding 33. At the same time, it is not denied that the text has suffered by occasional interpolations of incidents as well as by modernisation of the language. The object of the edition which the Sabha has undertaken is precisely to furnish scholars with the means of settling the exact literary and historical value of the epic

"The term Hindi, as employed in the name of the search for Hindi manuscripts, is used in its old sense, in which it embraces the languages of the whole of the central portion of Northern India. The search, therefore, includes manuscripts written in Bihari, Rajputani, and Marwari, and it is apparently intended to include even Punjabi. From the point of view of practical utility, seeing that