पृष्ठ:मेरी आत्मकहानी.djvu/१०२

यह पृष्ठ जाँच लिया गया है।
मेरी आत्मकहानी

thoroughly scientific way. Unfortunately the knowledge of the modern languages of India is in Europe not great. When writing my Prakit Grammar I often have felt the want of a sufficient knowledge of the vernaculars. But the material available in Germany is very small and without the help of a native-teacher it is almost impossible to master the vernacular. I have no doubt that works like your report will contribute much to a better knowledge of the vernacular literature of India

मार्च, सन् १९०६ में लंदन की रायल एशियाटिक सुसाइटी की त्रैमासिक पत्रिका में १९००, १९०१, १९०२ और १९०३ की रिपोर्टो की समालोचना डाक्टर रुडाल्फ हार्नली ने प्रकाशित की थी। यह समालोचना एक प्रसिद्ध विद्वान-द्वारा लिखी हुई होने के कारण बड़े महत्व की है। अतएव मैं उसे यहाँ उध्दृत करने का साहस करता हूँ।

"As is well-known, an active search for Sanskrit manuscripts under the authority and at the cost of the Government of India has been carried on for very many years throughout the various Provinces of India It has led to most valuable results and has shed a flood of light on the still-existing manuscript treasures of the vast Sanskrit literature of India. A similar search was instituted, at least

फा. ७