पृष्ठ:महादेवभाई की डायरी.djvu/३४२

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

had to रूपमें लिखा है, असीको जाने दीजिये । सच तो यह है कि यह मामला असा है, जिस पर आपको अिस्तीफा दे देना चाहिये। अगर आपमें स्वाभिमान हो । मगर हममें वह तेज रहा ही नहीं। अिसलिमे आप कुछ न करें, तो मुझे भितना तो करने दीजिये ।" जो ढेर सारी डाक आठ तारीखको सरकारके यहाँ गयी थी, वह शामको आयी । झुसमें सभी पत्र जरूरी थे, जिनके जवाव तुरन्त देने चाहिये थे। अस गुम हु हवाबाजकी बहन शीरीनवाीका हृदयद्रावक पत्र था। घरमें ७२ सालकी माँ, दूसरा अक बड़ा भाी लन्दनमें किसी नर्सिंग होममें आठ सालसे पड़ा है, और यह भाओ : हवे अहते चल बसा! बेचारी ३० बरस पहले दो किताय गुजराती पष्टी थी। असने भी मेहनत करके गुजरातीमें अच्छा पत्र लिखा । मगर अन्तमें लिखा- 'मुझे अंग्रेजीमें लिखनेकी अिजाजत दीजिये।' बापूने लिखा: "My Dear Sister, "I received your disconsolate letter only today. It pass through so many hands before coming to me. My whole heart goes out to you and your aged mother, God suffers us to blame Him, to swear at Him and deny Him. We do it all in our ignorance. A very beautiful Sanskrit verse which we recite daily at the morning prayer means: 'Miseries are not miseries, nor is happiness truely happiness. True misery consists in forgetting God, true happi- ness consists in thinking of Him as ever enthroned in our hearts.' And has not an English Poet said: “Things are not what they seem.' The fact is if we knew all the laws of God we should be able to account for the unaccountable. Why should we think that the withdrawal of your brother from our midst is an affliction? We simply do not know. But we do, or ought to know that God is wholly good and wholly just. Even, our illnessses such as your other brother's may be no misfortune. Life is a state of discipline. We are required to go through the fire of suffering. I do so wish that you and your mother could really rejoice in your suffering. May you have peace. "Please forget all about the honey and write to me in English by all means." 15 ३२१