पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज - पहली जिल्द.djvu/७०

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
पुस्तक प्रवेश

पुस्तक प्रवेश कम्पनी के पाप एक और अंगरेज लेखक डॉक्टर रसल लिखता है-- "ईस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनी के भारतीय शासन को प्रारम्भ से ही बड़े बड़े पापों ने कलुपित कर रखा था,xxx लगातार अनेक पीढियों तक बड़े से बड़े सिविल और फ़ौजी अफसरों से लेकर छोटे से छोटे कर्मचारियों तक, कम्पनी के मुलाजिमों का एक मात्र महान लक्ष्य और उद्देश यह रहता था कि जितनी जल्दी हो सके और जितनी बड़ी से बड़ी पूंजी हो सके, इस देश से निचोड ली जाय और फिर अपना मतलव पूरा करते ही सदा के लिए इस देश को छोड़ दिया जाय ।xxxयह बात बिलकुल _dethroned for some alleged misdemeanour Always some muddied stream was at hand as a pretext for official wolves Dependent cillets possessing coveted lands wers impovernshed by exorbitant demands for tribute and their ultimate inability to meet these demands was construed into a treasor nable offence, punished by deposition Even down to our own day kindred Inqultues are continued Down to our own day, too are continued the grievous salt monopoly and the prtiless talation, that wring from the poor ryots nearly halt the produce of the soil Down to our own day continues the cunning despotism which uses nanve soldiers to maintam and extend native subjection, a despotusm under which, not many years since, a regiment ot sepoys was deliberately massacred, for refusing to march without proper clothing Dorn to our own day, the police authorities league with wealthy scamps, and allow the nachinery of the law to be used for the purposes of extortion_Down to our own day, so called gentlemen will rnde their ele- phants through the crops ot impoverasned peasants and will supply them- seaves with provisions from the native villages without paying for them And. down to our own day it is common with the people in the interior to run into the woods at sight of a European "--Socsal States, by Herbert Spencer