पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज (दूसरी जिल्द).djvu/६९६

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भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज

२०६२ भारत में अंगरेजी राज तो भाप मिस्टर कैवेनडिश की तरह अपना मुंह बन्द न कर लीजिएगा, बल्कि उसे निगल जाइएगा; यही मेरी नीति है।" इस घटना पर टीका करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है । भारतीय रियासतों की ओर ईस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनी की नीति का यह एक खासा सञ्चा चित्र है। बेण्टिङ्क को श्राशा थी कि जो गहरी पाप- त्तियाँ अंगरेज़ अफ़सरों ने सींधिया के चारों ओर खड़ी कर रक्खी थीं उनसे घबरा कर महाराजा सींधिया चुपचाप अपना राज बेण्टिङ्क के हवाले कर देगा। किन्तु इस विषय में उसकी श्राशा पूरी न हुई। • " Presently another demiofficial letter arrived strongly expostulating with Mr Cavendish upon his proceedings, and concluding with this significant remark You have thus allowed a favourable chance to escape of connecting the Agra to the Bombay Presidency ' "Lest it should be thought by any one that in this little sketch of his ( Lord William Bentinck's) foreign policy, we have given even the slightest touch of colouring, we will relate, by way of illustration, an am using anecdote, which is known to three or four persons now ]ning, and which sufficiently confirms our statement that, in respect of the rights of native states, His Lordship entirely overlooked the tenth commandment It happe- ned that Major Sutherland was selected to bll the office vacated by Mr Cavendish . He therefore waited on the Governor-General in Calcutta to learn what the policy was to be at Gwalior, was it to be intervention: Lord Bentincts loved a joke, quickly replied Look here, Major,' and his Lordship threw back his head, opened wide his mouth, and placed his thumb and finger together like a boy about to swallowa sugar-plum Then turning to the astonished Major he said If the Gwalior State will fall down your throat, you are not to shut your mouth, as Mr Cavendish did but swallow it that is my policy "-1bid