पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज (दूसरी जिल्द).djvu/४८१

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
भारतीय उद्योग धन्धों का सर्वनाश

भारतीय उद्योग धन्धों का सर्वनाश ५ लॉर्ड वेल्सली ने १६ जुलाई सन् १८१४ को मद्रास गवरन्मेण्ट के नाम एक पत्र लिखा, जिससे विस्तृत पता चलता है कि मद्रास प्रान्त की समस्त अंगरेज़ी कोठियों में भी ये मब अत्याचार ठोक इसी तरह जारी थे। बङ्गाल में भी इसी तरह जुलाहों को ज़बरदस्ती पेशगी रुपए देकर पहले से उनका माल खरीद लिया जाता सन् १७६३ का था। सन् १७६३ में बङ्गाल की सरकार ने एक कानून कानून पास किया, जिसके अनुसार कोई मनुष्य जिस कम्पनी का कुछ भी धन देना हो या जो किमी तरह कम्पनी के कपड़े के व्यापार से सम्बन्ध रखता हो, न कभी कम्पनी to pay a heavv fine rather than be cornpelled so to work, that they could get better prices from Dutch, Portuguese, French and Arab merchants for inferior goods, than the Company paid them for standard or superior goods , ____that the object of the commercial resident was, as he himself observed to establish and maintain the complete monopoly of the whole of piece goods trade at reduced or prescribed prices , that in the prosecution of this object compulsion and punishment were carried to such a height, as to Induce several weavers to quit the profession, to prevent which, they were not allowed to enlist as Sepoys, or even on one occasion to pass out of city gates without permission from the English thiefs, that so long as the weavers were the subjects of the Nawab, frequent application was made to him to punish and coerce weavers, the Nawab who was but a tool in the hands of the British Government Neighbounng Princes were also prevailed on to give orders in their districts, that the Company's mer- chants and brokers should have a preference to all others, and that on no account should piece goods be sold to other persons , that subsequently to the transfer of Surat to the British Government, the authority of the Adalat (our own Court of Justice) was constantly interposed to enforce a similar series of arbitrary and oppressive acts.