पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज (दूसरी जिल्द).djvu/४४९

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
प्रथम लॉर्ड मिण्टो

प्रथम लॉर्ड मिण्टो ८५३ वर्ष के भीतर ही अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में श्रापसी झगड़े, हत्या, रक्तपात और क्रान्ति का बाज़ार गरम हो गया। वह जमानशाह, जिसके नाम से अंगरेज़ डरते थे, तख्त से उतार दिया गया । सन् १८०१ event of their attemptang at any time to penetrate to India by any route in which it may be practicable for the King of Persia to oppose their progress “To engage to prevent Zeman Shah, by such means as shall be concerted between HIs Majesty, and Captain Malcolm, from invading any part of Hindostan, and in the event of his crossing the Attock, or of the actual invasion of Hindostan by that Pance, the King of Persia to pledge himself to the adoption of such measures as shall be necessary for the purpose of compelling Zeman Shah to return immediately to the defence of his own dominions " The Company (So ran the article of the treaty) to engage to pay to the King of Persia for his service, either an annual fixed subsidy of three lacs of rupees during the period that this treaty shall t ontinue in force, or a proportion, not exceeding one-third, of such extraordinary expense as His Majesty shall at any time actually and Bonafied ncur for the specific purposes stated in the forgoing article “In considering the different means by which Zeman Khan may be kept an check during the period required, you will naturally pay due attention to those which may be derived from the exiled brothers of that Prince, now resident in Persia under the protection of Baba Khan "You will endeavour during your residence at the Court of Baba Khan to obtain an accurate account of the strength and resources of Zeman Shah, and of his political relations with his different neighbours, and to establish some means of obtaining here-after the most correct and speedy Information on the subject of his tuture intentions and movements"- Governor-General's letter of instructions to John Malcolm,dated 10 October, 1799