पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज (दूसरी जिल्द).djvu/१९०

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।
भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज

६०२ भारत में अंगरेजी राज के हर हिस्से पर सेनाएँ जमा करके इस तरह के प्रबन्ध किए जायें कि जिनसे मराठा साम्राज्य के अन्तर्गत प्रत्येक राज्य हमारे इस पल को देख कर ही र जायें। सबसे अधिक भय अंगरेज़ों को वास्तव में दौलतराव सींधिया से था। दौलतराव सौंधिया को कुचलने का सींधिया के वेल्सलो वर्षों पहले से अवसर ढूंढ़ रहा था। विरुद्ध प्रया - मार्च सन् १७६४ को वह कमाण्डरसन-चीफ़ को साफ़ लिख चुका था:- • “ I have been desrous for some time past to communicate to you the interesting state of affairs in the Maratha Empire and the course of pohcy which I have adopted, with a view to denve every attainable advantage from this singular crists “ The power, whose views might be most apprehended and whom it 1s most important to hold in check, is certainly Scindbia No serious or alarming opposition is to be feared from any other quarter, our most effectual mode of controlling Scindhia must be an irruption into his do- minions in Hindostan, from the ceded provinces of Oudh, and in that case the main and most critical effort must be made from the quarter where you are now present " if any serious cortest should arise the most important operations will be directed against Sundhas possessions to the destruction of his power in Hindostan and that no probability exists of any important contest in the Deccan " And my plan is therefore, rather to form such arrangements as may present the most powerful and menacing aspect to every branch of the Maratha Empire, on every point on their frontier "-Marquess Wellesly s 'Most secret and confidential letter to General Lake, dated Barrackpur January 7th 1803