पृष्ठ:भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज.pdf/४९

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भारत में अंगरेज़ी राज

१९४८ भारत में अंगरेजी राज मार्ग हमारे लिए फिर से खुल जायेंगे । जिन समझदार भारतवासियों को औरों की अपेक्षा इससे अधिक प्रेम था उन्हें भी अपनी कौम की पत्सित अवस्था को सुधारने का इसके सिवा और कोई उपाय न सूझता था कि अंगरेजों को तुरन्त देश से निकाल कर बाहर कर दिया जाय । इसके बाद मैं कुछ वर्ष बताज में रहा । वह मैंने शिक्षित भारतवासियों में चित कुल दूसरी ही तरह के विचार देखे । अंगरेजों के गले काटने का विचार करने के स्थान परवे लोग अंगरेज़ों के साथ जूरी बन कर अदालतों में बैठने या बेच मैजिस्ट्रेट बनने की आकांक्षाएं कर रहे थे ।x N x 338 would be perpetually reminding the lohammadams that we are infide usurpers ot some o the fairest realms of the faithful, and the Hindoos, that we are unclea beasts, with whonm it is a sin and a shame to have any friendly intereourse. Our bitterest enenties could not desire more than that we should propgate systems of learning watch excite the strongest 1celiags of human nature against ourseves. " The spirit or English literature, on the other hand, an not but be favourable to the English connectionFamiliarly acquainted with us by means of our literature, the Indian youth almost cease t० vegard as as foreigners. They speak of our great nen with the same enthusiasm as we doEducated in the same wayinterested in the same objects, engaged in the same pursdits with ourselves, they become more English than Hindoos, they cease १० think of violent opponents, or sullen conformists, they are converted into ealors and intelligent coCoperators with us, they eease to think ot violent remedies, As long as the natives are lett to brood over their former संndependence, their sole specific for improving their condition is, the imme diate and totat expulsion of the English. A native patrict of the old school has no noton of anything beyond this : . It is oly by the intrsion of European ideas, that a new direction can be given to the national views, The youngmen, brought up t our seninaries, turn with contempt from the barbarous despotish under Swhich their ncestors groaned, to the prospect