पृष्ठ:भारत का संविधान (१९५७).djvu/३४६

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[Articles I and 4]

Name Territories
I. Andhra Pradesh
The territories specified in sub-section (I) of section 3 of the Andhra State Act, 1953 and the territories specified in sub-section (I) of section 3 of the States Reorganisation Act, I956.
2. Assam
The territories which immediately before the commencement of this Constitution were coinprised in the Province of Assam, the Khasi States and the Assam Tribal Areas, but excluding the territories specified in the Schedule to the Assani Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1951.
3. Bihar
The territories in hich immediately before the commencement of this Constitution were either comprised in the Province of Bihar or were being administered as it thcy formed purn of that Province, but excluding the territorics specificd in sub-sertion of section 3 of the Bihar and West Bengal Transfer of Territorirs) Act, I956.
4. Bombay
The territorics specified in sub-scction (I) of section of the States Rcorganisation Act, I956.
5. Kerala
The territories specified in sub-section (I) of sections of the States Reorganisation Act, I956.
6. Madhya Pradesh
The territories specified in sub-section (I) of section y of the States Reorganisation Act, I956.
7. Madras
The territories which immediately before the commencement of this Constitution werc either comprised in the Province of Madras or were being administered as if they formed part of that Province and the territories specified in section of the States Reorganisation Act, I956, but excluding the territories specified in sub-section (I) of section 3 and sub-section (I) of section 4 of the Andhra State Act, 1953 and the territories specified in clause (b) of sub-section (I) of section 5, Section 6 and chause (d) of sub-section (I) of section 7 of the States Reorganisation Act, I956.
8. Mysore.
The territories specified in sub-section (I) of section 7 of the States Rcorganisation Act, I956.

  1. The Fist Sehedule was subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act. 1956, s.2,