
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

118 परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part II Ch. V पाका कलस कुम्हार का - A red baked pot is never put on the wheel. चंद्रसी - For चढ़ेगा ( Future ) बहुरि न चढ़सी चाक - Note the rating of a as higher than , of beatification as higher than libera- tion. Note : - does not know. The Sophist does not know that he Socrates knows that he does not know. शुक does not know that he knows. Kabir knows that he knows. गाँन ef. Marathi गांणी = बारा । ( Metaphorically th शरीर. ) सुरत शब्द मेला भया - Consciousness has merged in the eternal sound; the self has become one with God. Note : - गौन aud नोन are f. aud respectively while gra and are also f. and m. respectively सुरत शब्द Therefore it is a complete उपमा. गहि ( पूर्वकालिक क्रिया ) = ग्रहण कर धारण कर । Note : - For the idea in the Doha, : ef. 66 लवण जैसें पुन्हा, जळाचे बाहेरी । येत नाहीं खरं त्यांतुनीया ॥ त्या सारखे तुह्मीं, जाणा साधुवृत्ति । पुन्हां न मिळती मायाजाळ ॥ ==3 - तुकाराम | 35 हद (Noun) सीमा - Limit ( of time, space and causality ) ; the 'Peras Peras of Pythagoras and the of Kannada Mystical literatures