
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

70 परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part I Ch. V स्वामी Or ईश्वर. As, however, there is no indication of the name of the poet at the end of the poem, माला might be taken to stand for the name of the poet himself. मुरशिद = (१) उत्तम और शुभ वातें बताने वाला; (२) अध्यात्म का उपदेश करने वाला; (३) गुरु । वाहिद जान सो पाई - ( वाहिद 11 = एक, अकेला - The one viz. God.) cf. Flight of the alone to the alone. Also 'एकमेवाद्वितीयं ब्रह्म । 28 संपुटों ( pl. of संपुट ) = कोशों - Buds within buds (the innermost recess being hollow in which the bee is imprisoned ). उड़ानें चाहता है - ( उड़ानें pl. of उड़ान) = है । जी भरकर = मनचाहा, मनमाना, यथेष्ट । उड़ानें भरना चाहता अस्थिपंजर बस गया है - cf Vedic ' अस्थन्वन्तं यदनस्था विभति ।' Also cf. ' अस्थिचर्ममय देह मम । भूम ( From भूमन् ) - The highest bliss as conceived in the Upanishads. कला, विन्दु and नाद may be taken as Light, Form aud sound respectively. आधार - cf. ' दम अधार रजु सत्य सुबानी । आरोह Includes अवरोह, just as - - woman -- तुलसीदास. man includes सम That equanimous situation ( of समाहारः स्वरितः as opposed to उदात्त and अनुदात्त ) in singing when the end seems to be reached and a vacuum created as between the singer. the drum, the musical instrument and the audience. ( सम is really a plenum as opposed खाली which is a vacuum. The His positive, independent