
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

Padas 13-16] Pilgrimage संवारना (From Sk. संचरण ) (२) अलंकृत करना, सजाना । (१) सम्पूर्ण होना, पूरा करना; Object of वरत्यो, past tense of वरतना = व्यवहार में लाना, लगाना । वल नेकु = नेकु नेक ( From न and एक ) 'नहिं काम - = थोड़ा भी, जरा भी । The two negatives make the idea still stronger Not at all. ' - आये आधे नाम- This is an illustration of समाधि- अलंकार. आधा प्रयत्न करने से पूरा फल मिला । किसोर कृपा तें - तेरी । As alternatives to अनुवाद, we may take : १. किशोर as vocative; २. ते = जो हार गया है उसको । हारे को = Note : - The last group of verses in this chap- ter shows an attitude of determination; the present group an attitude of resignation. मेहर की नजर = कृपादृष्टि । गुसाई = गोस्वामी, स्वामी । । 16 नैना तरसे दरस को ef. नयनन को लगी प्यास अब तो साहब देखना | - पल पलक न लागे – (१) पलक does not meet पलक. The - eyelids remain wide open. (2) moment the eyelids do not close नींद आना । दीदार ( Persian ) = दर्शन - Vision. Even for a पलक लगना = गुरु पाइया - I obtained my Guru, Among Kabir- panthis Guru is regarded as God. The vision of Guru is the vision of God. Note: - We have very few references to विरहभाव in Kahir as in ज्ञानेश्वर. In the present poem Kahir is describing his state of seperation from God. When this state of separation had reached its aeme 7