
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

6 परमार्थसोपान - टिप्पणी [ Part I Chap. I शाप परमहित माना - He regarded the curse as a boon.' सिहाना - may be connected with ( 1 ) श्लाघा करना to appreciate ( 2 ) ईर्ष्या करना - to become jealous. - Note: In this Tulsidas exhibits an array of 5 different psychological emotions : (1) affection (2) repentence (3) elation ( 4 ) gratefulness and ( 5 ) appreciation or jealousy. That which lies at the back of all these emotions is the enjoyment of the छवि of राम. लाज कीजै Lord! 76 लज्जा रखिये; Think of your fair name, O, सवल = ( १ ) बलवती - Powerful; ( २ ) शवल विचित्र - Variegated, cf. शंकराचार्य on शवल माया as opposed to pure माया | - cf. ' I see • Video देखत, सुनत, सबै जानत हीँ, तऊ न आयौँ बाज | the better, but follow the worse meliora proboque, deteriora sequor ' Virgil. जानामि धर्म न च मे प्रवृत्तिः, जानाम्यधर्म न च मे निवृत्तिः । केनापि देवेन हृदि स्थितेन, यथा नियुक्तोऽस्मि तथा करोमि ॥ - - दुर्योधन ( Another reading for केनापि देवेन is त्वया हृषीकेश ) Sanskrit कैवर्तः ( के- जले, वर्तते ). = केवट उतराई = Fee for crossing over (Here with). निवाज 01 नवाज ( Persian ) 8 = कृपा करनेवाला | लाज गई लोकन तें - I am not ashamed of the world for remaining naked. वल (m.) in Hindi; neuter in Sanskrit and Mara- thi.