
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

(8) परमार्य सोपान by some of the great Hindi scholars like Dr. Sukha- dev Behari Misra, and Pandit Devi Prasad Shukla. The spiritual motive is always the most compelling element in human nature, and whatever sus- tains and develops it is a matter of supreme attraction to bumanity. From that point of view, the appreciation of spiritual songs may be accele- rated by a study of their simple formulation in understandable language. Thirdly, the annota- tions appended to this volume may, it is hoped, be found useful to Hindi scholars and University students. Fourthly, the Paramartha Sopan will supply the basis for any critical reflection on its contents, as may, for example, be found in the accompanying volume on the Pathway to God in Hindi Literature. The Sources and Exposition method has been ably employed by scholars like Prof. Burnet, and in that way every single Source- Pada and Doha will have its expository counter- part in the volume to follow. It is not expected that every Philosopher will accept readily the arguments or contents of this critical exposition, until he becomes convinced of the reality of spiri- tual experience. Finally, I may say that the selection was made primarily to help my own spiritual development, स्वान्तः सुखाय as Tulsidas would put it. But I shall be glad if it also helps others like me to perfect their spiritual endeavour. - 5. Thanks I must express my heart-felt gratefulness to His Highness the Rajasaheb of Sangli