यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

28 PAUMACARIU The Lost Works The Suddha ya cariya. The colophon stanza' at the beginning of the 100. Sandhi of RC. is, according to our interpretation, from Švayambhū's pen. It men- tions Suddhayacariya and Paümacariya as the two works written by Svayambhu before the Rițțhanemicariu. Premi suggests that Suddhayacariu is a scribal error for Suvvayacariu and this latter is nothing but a qualification of Paümacariu mentioned just before in the same line, because Padma and Laksmana according to the Jain mythology flourished during the Tirtha of Muni Suvrata. But the force of ca in the words suddhayacariyam ca of the stanza in question makes this interpretation untenable. Two, not one, works are clearly intended. Now we actually know, of course in name only, of a later composition, possibly in Apabhrarnía, called Suddhaya-vira-kahā written by one Mahākavi Devadatta”, who is significantly compared by his son Vira with Svayambhū and Puşpadanta. Thus there is nothing against our believing that Svayambhū composed the poem called Suddhayacariya. This poem was probably in Apabhahmsa, since we do not know of any Pk. work by Svayambhū and the absence in SC. of quotations from his own works is not without some meaning. The Siri-Pañcam ik a hã. In one of the Prasasti stanzas discussed below Tribhuvana declares that he had composed the highly wonderful Pañcamīcariu without having tasted (ie. independently of) the matter or style of Caturmukha or Svayambhū. In another place' he says: Had Tribhuvana Svayambhū not been the younger son of 'the crest- jewel of metrics' (? i.c. Svayambhū) who would have 'repaired' (samāreu, i.e., redacted) Siri-Pañcami the poem composed in the Paddhadia?' These remarks imply that not only Tribhuvana himself had written a Pancamicariu, but Svayambhū also had composed a poem in the Paddhadiā metres called Siri-pañcami-kahā, dealing with the māhātmya of the Jñinarancami or Śrutapancami similar to, say, the Bhavisattakana of Dhanapāla. Due to reasons unknown to us this poem was considered incomplete or defective in some way by Tribhuvana and hence he worked it over. Other works. In the very beginning of PC., while introducing himself, Svayambhu calls himself Kari:10. This shows that at the time 11) Appendix II, stanza 65. For its discussion scr Section 5. (2) Premi, 1942. 378 footnote. " (वीर) कविने अपने पिता महाकवि देवदनकी चार कृतियोंका उल्लेख किया है। इनमेसे प्रथम वरांग रउ'नो पडियाबंध कहा गया है, शेष 'मुत्यवीर कहा', 'मा (?) तिचच्चग्यिाऔर 'अंबादेवीराम' भी अपभ्रंशकी रचनाएं हो सकती हैं। एक मंधिके आदिपद्यमें कविने कहा है कि जब म्वयंभुका जन्म हुआ तब एक कवि हुए, पुष्पदन्तके होने से दो और देवदतके होने से तीन।" Jain. 1956, 120. (4) Appendix 1. stanza 45. (5) Appendix I stanza 47. (6) buddhre avunahiya kailan PC 1 2 9.