यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

INTRODUCTION 87 And for this the commencing stanza of PC. Sandhi 5 is given at SC. VIII 27 by way of an illustration. From this we can pre- sume that this is the scheme of all the Ghattās of the 5. Sandhi. Actually there is marked difference in the structures of the odd and even Pädas of the Ghattās in question. The odd Padas have for the most part 11 moras, divisible as 6 +4 + 0 and end in a trochee. To all purposes they are identical with the even Pada of the Dohā. 2 9 a, 7 11 c, 12 9 c have 12 moras with a final long, and 10 9 a has 12 moras closing with t v. Hence all these Padas, with 11 moras and ending in a u are to be counted as ending in a long and thus containing 12 moras. The even Pädas on the other hand mostly have 12 moras divisible as 6 + 4 + vv. A long appears for the final two shorts in 3 9 b, d, 12 9 b, d, 13 9 b, d, 15 9 b, d. Thus excepting final two shorts for one, the even Padas and the odd Pādas are identically built up. But the small differ- ence in their ends produces remarkably different effects. And yet metricians have not cared to notice this important feature. Svayam- bhū has in his definition lumped together the odd and even Padas as containing 12 moras. The same Ghattā is employed in Sandhis 23. and 24. 23 4 11 c, 24 7 9 a and 24 15 9 a contain 12 moras, closing with a long and 23 5 12 c has 12 moras ending in UU. 23 3 96, d. 23 5 12 b, d, 23 8 9 b, d, 23 9 12 b, d, 23 14 5 b, d, 24 79 b, d, 24 8 9 b, d end in a long, while 23 7 9 b, d and 24 4 11 b, d have 11 moras ending in a trochee. In the last cases the structures of all the Pādas are exactly similar. 24 1 11 b has 13 moras, and hence requires to be emended. RC. has got this Ghatta in 1, 25, 75, 86. MP. employs it in 9., 33., 50., 69., 83., 87. and 98. Sandhis, and Nay. has it in 7. (9). Scheme 13 + 10. Occurrence. 1. (80.) Sandhis. It is not possible to make out more than 10 moras from 1 19 b, d, 5 9 b, d, 9 9 b, d, 11 9 b, d, 13 9 b, d, 14 9 b, d, because they end in a lorg, and from 7 9 b, d, because they actually contain 9 moras. Hence on the assumption that the even Pādas of all the Ghattās of the 1. Sandhi have the same measure it can- not be other than 10-moraic, and this gives for the metre two alter- native schemes 13 + 10 or 14 + 10, according as the short end syllable of the odd Pādas is treated as short or long. The odd Pädas invariably end in VlU. None of the three Gaņa schemes (5 + 6+ 2, 5 + 5 + 3, 4 + 4 + 5) given by SC. VI 134 for a 13-moraic Pada is uniformly applicable to the odd Pādas of the 1. Sandhi. On the other hand taking the Pādas as 14-moraic we find them divisible according to the scheme 6 + 5 + 3, which is given among others for a 14-moraic Pāda at SC. VI 141. But the scheme 6 + 4 + 4 is also applicable to these Pädas. This fact combined with the characteristic ending in three shorts makes it highly probable that these Pādas are identical in struc- ture with the odd Päda of the Dohā. 14 + 10 is Ahinavavasanatasiri or Abhinavavasantaśri (SC. VI 87; Rāj. 105; Ch. VI 20, 89). Once (12 9 c) the middle Gana is Jagana. The even Pādas are divisible as 6 + 4 or 4 + 4 + 2. A long is eschewed for the 2. + 3. moras and the 6. + 7. moras. If the scheme 4 + 4 + 2 is adopted, the second four-moraic Gana always ends