INTRODUCTION 59 7; b) caüthaya. (caturtha-enl.) 1 8 8 kaniyāri (karnikari) 3 1 9, paija- (pratijñā-) 5 7 7 (but paijja- 12 75), paitha- (praviştha-) 4 10 2, 142 1, 14 4 9, pahilaya- (for pahillaya-) 1 4 1, 16 2 i, -älasa (alasya-) 2 12 3, Tayasala- (rajasvalā-) 19 i 2, Vaivasa- (Vaivasvat-) 15 13 7, Vaisavaņa- (Vaisravana-) 9 6 3, samuha- (sarmukha-) 692; akkhohani (akşauhini-) 12 8 1; c) words compounded with nir-/nis-, dur-/dus-, ud- etc. have their initial vowel treated indifferently as simple or conjunct according to metrical convenience. This is a general tendency and no particular instances need be noted. $34. The treatment of the conjunct in the following cases is noteworthy: vimbhaya- (vismaya-) 1 12 4, Jasumbhaya- (Yasasvat- enl.) 1 13 1,, Cakkhubhaya- (Cakşusmat- enl.) 1 12 4; jhuni. (dhvani-) 3 11 1, but dhaya- (dhvaja-) 1 5 2; suviņa- (svapna.) 1 14 9, duvāra- (dvāra-) 6 77 (against võra- 5 8 6), duväraha (dvặ- daśa) 11 7 1 (against vậraha 3 4 1), vintara- (vyantara-) 1 8 9, 10, -abbhintara- (abhyantara-) 1 16 6; assimilation is at the basis of bhimbhala- (vihvala-) 1 5 4 and phopphala- (pūga- phala-) 1 5 9, 31 8. $35. Gemination of consonants mostly for metrical reasons: pammukka- (pramukta-) 12 10 1, khammaviyaya (for khamā viyaya-) 19 6 8, nimmantio (nimantritaḥ) 16 13 5, mimmitti- (nimittin-) 16 3 9, papphulla- (praphulla-) 5 5 6, ujjuya- (rju- enl.) 5 15 9, acceyaņā- (acetana-) 19 15 1, sapparivāra- (saparivara-) 2 2 8, 2 7 7, 2 14 6, 3 8 1, tillokka°. (trailokya-) 12 11 2, koühalla- (kautūhala-) 1 12 6, 10 2 2, vaulla- (bakula-) 14 7 3, saņnavai (sa- navati) 2 3 3, vannara- (vānara-) 7 46; the Gen. postposition taņiya appears as -ttaniya at 8 4 9 (kaho- ttaniya, and taho- ttaniya), 9 6 2 (mahu-ttaņiya) and perhaps at 6 3 9 (A. kahi- ttanau). $36. Sandhi in a sentence has been effected between the con- tinuous syllables of two words under metrical stress in following cases: ņāņuppaņņu (for nānu uppa°) 3 2 11, annuppaņņu (for aņņu uppa°) 3 3 2, kappayaruchannā (for kappayaru uccha") 1 11 9, Vimalavahanucchaliya' (for Vimalavāhanu ucchaº) 1 13 1, mohuppāiu (for mohu uppá°) 14 3 12, vamsuddhāriu (for vansu uddº) 8 96, välāvani (for va ālāvani) 1 5 8, suravaiņāruņa" (for suravaiņā aruna°) 2 3 2, padahämaraº (for padaha amara°) 2 4 1, dhammeņa- haranaº (for dhammeņa āharanaº) 6 14 4, nisuņuttaroº (for nisuņu uttara°) 6 15 a, viſāsaņaim (for viņā asanāim) 5 12 3, gamaņāņeya (for 'gamaņā aneya) 14 10 1. The Sandhi in the compound cautīsaïsayaº (for cautisa- aïsaya°) 3 3 1 is peculiar. III. Gender. $37. a) The following words masculine in Sk. are found with the n. pl. ending -aiņ in PC.: kumbha- 9 2 9b, kirana- 11 14 5, thüha- (stupa-) 3 4 4, vidruma 13 5 9, sāhāmiya- (sākhāmīga-) 6 11 4, jaņa- (jana- person) 12 12 10b, jiva- (used with n. pl. adjec- tives) 11 g 6, tada (taţa-) 14 9 7, kalahansa- 11 1 6 and many more. The Bhavisattakaha also manifests this tendency. b) Jhuni- (dhvani) 3 11 1, ņihiya- (nidhi- enl.) 3 13 7, 4 6 6, kallola- 14 12 6, kallola- 1 2 5 are treated as feminine.
यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।