पृष्ठ:कार्ल मार्क्स पूंजी १.djvu/८९५

यह पृष्ठ अभी शोधित नहीं है।

८९२ रचनामों की सूची House of Lords. Select Committee's - 6th Report 1863. London, 1864.- Reports on the State and Growth of १९६, ३०५, ४५० ४५१, ५२३, ५२५, Commerce and Consumption of Grain ६१३, ७३३-७३९,७६० seq. and all Laws relating thereto. (1814 - 7th Report, 1864. London, 1865.- 15).-६३७. ६४९, ७४७, ७५८,७६२. Inland Revenue Reports. For 1860.- - 8th Report, 1865. London, 1866.- ७२८. ५२३, ७३७ seq. For 1866.-७२६, ७८७. Master Spinners' and Manufacturers' Railways, Royal Commission on. Lon- don, 1867.-४६०, ६३०. Defence Fund, Report of the Com- mittee. Manchester, 1854.-805. Report of the Commissioners... relating Mines, Report of the Select Committee to Transportation and Penal Servi- on.-५५८-५६६. tude. London, 1863.-1948. - Royal Commission on, 1864.-684. Social Science Congress, Report of. Miscellaneous Statistics of the U. K. Edinburgh, October 1863.-884. Part VI. 1866.-७३०. Statistical Abstracts for the U. K. Lon- Parliamentary Returns: 1839, 1850, don, 1861, 1866.-४७३. 1856, 1862.-४६८. Statistics. Afet Miscellaneous Statis- Public Health. Reports ot the Medical tics. Officer of the Privy Council. Statutes of Labourers (1349 and 1496).- - 3rd Report, 1860. London, 1861. ३०८. २७५, २७६. Statutes of Massachusetts.-05. - 4th Report, 1861. London, 1863.- - of New Jersey.-205. ५२४. - of Rhode Island.-205.