पृष्ठ:रस मीमांसा.pdf/४५१

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रस-मामांसा individual. The former position will be untenable on account of Fig for a congregation of all the individuals of a genus' at one place and time is impossible. If we take common name to be a symbol of one individual then every individual of the genus will require a seperate name. On the other hand if it be asserted that by virtue of far of one individual all other individuals of the genus comprehended without any z the assertion is wrong for there can be no concept without IF. Therefore this second argument also fails on account of fra. If by the word which is taken to be the symbol for one individual, we comprehend all other individuals of the genus, there is nothing to prevent us from comprehending horse, elephant etc., by the term . This is व्यभिचार दोष. (Compare this with the "Doctrine of Universals" of the old logicians of the West. Of the three theories nominalism, realism and conceptualism, the author appears to favour in a modified form the view of Realists. Now the controversy is set at rest by transferring the subject to the domain of Psycho